Istruzioni per l'installazione
Unfortunately the description of the plug-in and the installation guidance are at the moment only in
English and
French available. We look for assistance to translate the texts into other languages (Italian, Spanish, Dutch). The assistance will be recompensed with a 1 year free account!
Please write us an e-mail to for more information!
I. Installation guide of TravelPilot 500 and 700
- Please log in to and go to the blaupunkt product page. Before starting the download you have to select your desired countries and choose one of the possible options for images (we recommend: split into all categories). After that push Download button and save the file to your hard disk.

- In our example we save the file in the folder "C:/temp".

Please unzip the overlay with a suitable program - we recommend WINZIP - to a target folder of your choice in your computer. In our example, we select the folder "C:/temp/blaupunkt".
- Now the folder "C:/temp/blaupunkt" contains all unzipped files in *.bmp format and *.asc format (every file stands for one speed camera category).

- Switch on your Blaupunkt device and connect it to the PC over the USB cable. Windows has to install the USB driver for your navigation device if you connect it for the first time to your computer . If the installation of the driver is finished your sat nav is shown as a new drive in your computer.

- Change to folder .../TravelPilot/Navigation/ownPOIs. There you find two subfolder ("Hints" and "Icons").
Make a backup of these folders on your PC!
Delete the folder "Hints" completly. In the folder "Icons" you only have to delete the including BMP files!

- Now it should look like this:

- Copy all BMP files from the download part into the folder .../TravelPilot/Navigation/ownPOIs/Icons.

Then copy all ASC files from the download part into the folder .../TravelPilot/Navigation/ownPOIs.

- Disconnect the Blaupunkt device from the PC and reboot the sat nav. Open the menu map settings/points of interest/my POI/speed cams and activate the acoustic and visual alert.

Click the back-key to confirm the new settings.
The alert appears in video mode and in map mode.
II. Installation guide of TravelPilot 100, 200, 300 and Lucca 3.5
Please Note
At the beginning it is necessary to load the current version of LuccAssist from Blaupunkt!
- Please log in to and go to the Blaupunkt product page. Before starting the download you have to select your desired countries and choose one of the possible options for images (we recommend: split into all categories). After that push Download button and save the file to your hard disk.

- In our example we save the file in the folder "C:/temp".

- Please unzip the overlay with a suitable program - we recommend WINZIP - to a target folder of your choice in your computer. In our example, we selected the folder "C:/temp/blaupunkt".

- Now the folder "C:/temp/blaupunkt" contains all unzipped files in *.bmp format and *.asc format (every file stands for one speed camera category).

Switch on your Blaupunkt device and connect it to the PC over the USB cable.
- Start the software LuccAssist from Blaupunkt and select your language.

- Click the Load button. Then search for the folder which contains the unzipped files (in our example "C:/temp/blaupunkt"). Mark the first file and click Open.

- In the next step please activate POI hint to get an alert during navigation.

Please repeat the steps 7 and 8 for each speed camera file.
- Finally click Copy POI list to install all speed cameras in your Blaupunkt device.